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6 Reasons to Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer

  • By Admin
  • 07 Nov, 2022
Personal Injury Lawyer — Reno, NV — Frank W. Thompson, Esq.
Apart from injuries, an accident will require you to deal with paperwork, medical bills, and insurance companies, which can be overwhelming. If you choose to handle a personal injury claim on your own, it might result in a longer claim process, lower settlement, and, at times, failure to receive compensation. Work with a knowledgeable and experienced personal injury attorney to get the following six benefits.

1. Come to a Settlement Agreement
Most personal injury claims often don't go to court. You make a settlement through negotiations between you and the insurance company. A settlement agreement is a win for you since you receive the compensation quickly and consume less time and money.
Personal injury lawyers ensure you do everything in writing and both parties sign it. During negotiations, hire an attorney to ensure you get the best settlement.

2. Expedite Your Claim
Most personal injury claims processes run for months or years due to increased legal paperwork, red tape, and witnesses. If your focus is recovery, you'll lack time to wait for months for a payout. Personal injury attorneys stay on top of your claim and expedite the process as much as possible.

They constantly handle dealing with the insurance companies on your behalf and negotiating with the defendant's attorneys until you receive your compensation. Your lawyer is also familiar with ways to prevent setbacks from taking place to facilitate a faster resolution of your claim.

3. Represent You in Court
If you can't reach a settlement agreement, your last solution is to file a lawsuit. You'll have to settle a lawsuit in court. In such a circumstance, you'll need to work with a lawyer to argue your case.

While you have the option to represent yourself, the insurance company will have a lawyer working on its behalf, which reduces your chances of receiving fair compensation. If you want to stand a chance to receive the proper compensation, you need a personal injury lawyer to match the level of expertise needed in courtrooms.

4. Understands the Personal Injury Claim Process
Without a lawyer's assistance, navigating a personal injury claim process can be overwhelming and confusing. A single misstep can lead to reduced or delayed payouts. A personal injury lawyer works to gather information and facts, help you understand complicated liability laws, and deal with law enforcement.

Most experienced personal injury lawyers are familiar with local courts, which can go a long way. All you need to do is to honestly and accurately explain the details of your accident. The lawyer will walk you through the rest of the case process.

5. Prevents Major Slipups
Most insurance companies contact accident victims as soon as they learn of an injury. They use adjusters to get your side of the story. Adjusters might appear to be caring, but in reality, they have the interests of the insurance companies. Once you agree to make a statement, insurance companies use your information against you.

Never make statements to the insurance companies or agree to sign anything without talking to a personal injury attorney. Lawyers help prevent you from making errors that could harm your claim and the right to receive compensation.

6. Gives You Peace of Mind
Accidents may result in fatalities. They may also cause intense emotional trauma and post-traumatic stress. In such instances, following up on your personal injury becomes very stressful. Personal injury attorneys handle all the complicated aspects of your claim. They give you the peace of mind you need to focus on your recovery.

You should promptly seek legal assistance if you're injured in a car accident or due to someone else's negligence. At Frank W. Thompson Attorney At Law, we represent accident victims. Our focus is fair verdicts for our clients. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.
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